Latest progress
⌲ Next skills guide
I’ve started the second skills guide. It’s a similar format to Problem solver with key understandings about the skill up front and then 30 best practice tools to master it.
⌲ Book bag
Although I need to figure out the best ways to distribute the skills guides, I definitely want to try in-person pop ups in the mix, so I designed small canvas book bags to package purchases and have found a supplier that can make them.

The size isn’t your usual canvas bag - instead it’s much smaller and hand held. I’ve always found this type of easily storable micro bag useful for carrying books, water or lunch when they don’t fit in the bag I’m using that day. Â
⌲ Print ready
I've decided on a conventional printing company for Problem Solver and have spent the last weeks making the files print ready. As it's my first time doing this there were some minor issues that required (many) revisions, but can easily be avoided in future, such as colour combinations for solid black and text black, the resolution for the barcode, margin tolerances etc. The printing process is nearing the final check – currently awaiting the pre-print hard copy.